- Mollie Hemingway - Media Gaslighting Can’t Hide Fact Trump Campaign Was Spied On
- Paul Mirengoff - The FBI’s anti-Trump “leak strategy”
- Lee Smith - Decoding the Drips of Leak Upon Anti-Trump Leak
- Andrew C. McCarthy - Reading the FISA Redactions
- Bill Gertz - Intel Chair: FBI, Justice Corrupted for Political Spying
- Andrew C. McCarthy - In the Russia Probe, It’s ‘Qui S’excuse S’accuse’
- Mark Wauck - The Central Scandal of the Russia Hoax--and Our Constitutional Crisis
- John Solomon - Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment
- Mark Wauck - Dems Throw Wray And Rosenstein Under The Bus
- Mark Wauck - Who's Afraid of Lisa Page?
- John Solomon - Opinion: One FBI text message in Russia probe that should alarm every American
- Steven Hayward - Deep State Outed by . . . The NY Times?!?!
- Pete Williams, Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen - Rosenstein joked about secretly recording Trump, Justice Department officials say
- Thomas Lifson - Twelve points to keep in mind on the NYT’s Rosenstein ‘wear a wire’ and invoke 25th Amendment story
- Michael Goodwin - The ‘deep state’ leaves Trump with no good options
- Annie Karni and Eliana Johnson - Trumpworld divided on Rosenstein — not whether to fire him, but when
- Charles Lipson - Two Big Takeaways From the Rosenstein Bombshell
- Andrew C. McCarthy - Rod Rosenstein’s Resistance