Friday, August 3, 2018

Investigating Election 2016 (6)

Further links related to: Was everything in the Carter Page FISA applications manufactured by partisans in the FBI/DOJ/CIA?

August, 2018:
On the curious case of George Papadopoulos, he was previously accused of being the key linchpin in the Great Russian Collusion Conspiracy. Now it appears he was lured to Europe by one Western spy (Halper) and introduced to a second Western spy (Mifsud) who spoon-fed him information. He was then introduced to a third Western spy (Downer) who then milked him for the same information. It sounds like they were much more than just "confidential informants".

Then, months later, he was questioned by the FBI on information that the FBI already knew every detail. The apparent reason for this was to intentionally entrap him in a false statements charge.