Sunday, May 15, 2011


Massacre in Pakistan: A Teachable Moment for the West - Barry Rubin
–The main cause of terrorism is not America (or Israel, or any other country) killing terrorists but revolutionary Islamism’s attempts to seize state power or attempts of those revolutionary Islamists (and their allies) already in power (see Iran, Syria, Hamas in Gaza, Hizballah in Lebanon, and perhaps soon the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt?) to overthrow neighbors.

–These policemen were targets not because they were oppressive instruments of capitalism or imperialism but because the revolutionaries want to destroy order so they can operate in a situation of anarchy which they hope to replace with their own rule.


–Until Western leaders understand the above principles, their policies will not only fail, they will be counterproductive for the interests of both their own countries and millions of Muslims, who do not want to be ruled by revolutionary Islamism.

Now here’s an interesting question. Suppose the above list of propositions was submitted to leading politicians, policymakers, journalists, and academic experts. How many of these points would they accept as obvious and how many totally reject? If this list were given to average people, how many of these points would they say that they’ve never heard expressed by their mass media or leaders?