Sunday, May 22, 2011

Computer Malware

Trojan Feigns Failures to Increase Rogue Defragger Sales - Eoin Ward
Hard disk failures are a fact of life in the tech world. It’s something many of us have experienced, and not with fond memories. Trojan.FakeAV writers are aware of this, and the end of last year saw a move by some into the creation of fake hard disk scanners and defragmentation tools, which we covered in Fake Disk Cleanup Utilities: The Ruse. In this blog we are going to look at Trojan.Fakefrag. What sets this apart from standard fake disk cleanup utilities is that the Trojan makes changes on the computer and displays messages that make it appear as though the hard disk is failing. Then it drops a member of the UltraDefragger family called Windows Recovery, which offers to repair these disk errors for a mere $79.50!

We’ve put together a short screencast that takes you through the experience.
Be very about careful about clicking OK.