Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Economy - March 2010

What Unsustainable Looks Like - Veronique de Rugy

In 2010, Medicare and Medicaid cost 5.0 percent of GDP and Social Security cost 4.8 percent of GDP. Combined, that’s less than 10 percent of GDP. By 2020, the combined cost of these three programs is already projected to grow to 11.4 percent of GDP; extrapolating forward at constant growth rates, their cost will be at about 14.4 percent of GDP by 2030.

This is why President Obama’s recently announced freeze of the non-defense, non-homeland security side of the budget will do nothing to get us back on the path of fiscal responsibility

The Parable of the Bread Aisle
- Doctor Zero
The reason for the failure of collectivism is revealed in the parable of the bread aisle. Why are there many different flavors of bread? Because people demand them. Why are those flavors provided by different companies, at various price points? Because there is competition to satisfy demand. These factors produce reductions in price, and increases in quality… and the burning truth every statist desperately needs you to forget is that political commandments cannot produce either of these things.