Sunday, November 13, 2016

Post-Election Protests

After the election results were settled, Hillary Clinton gave a very gracious concession speech, and likewise Barack Obama and Donald Trump apparently had very cordial meeting at the White House.

However, since then there have been widespread protests in various cities across the U.S. The theme of these protests has been "Not My President". Who are the participants of these protests, and what has motivated them to take to the streets? Is it an organized attempt to de-legitimize Donald Trump's presidency before he even takes office?

Links at Instapundit.
  • Violence on the Left - John Hinderaker
  • Democrats: Vicious, Violent, Anti-Democratic - John Hinderaker 
  • Inside The Anti-Trump Protest Movement - Blake Montgomery 
    Along with the anarchists, core organizers of the protests have included the ANSWER Coalition, a group with roots that trace back to supporting the Soviet invasion of Hungary in the 1950s, and the Socialist Alternative, a Trotskyist group on the other side of those forgotten Communist civil wars. Those groups’ organizing muscle has long made them important, if controversial, elements of the US left (they were central to protests against the Iraq War in 2003), and they now find themselves marching with Bernie Sanders supporters, civil rights advocates, and thousands of Democrats shocked at Trump’s election.
Who is ANSWER?
And finally, a quote from the great Tom Wolfe:
Marshall McLuhan once said that moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity. I think that's quite true these days.