Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sowell on Conservatism

Thomas Sowell On Liberal Vs. Conservative - American Glob

Dr. Sowell explains the Liberal premise:
The Rousseau notion that "Man is born free but is everywhere in chains" and that the real problem of the world is the institutions of the world. If the institutions were right, that man, that there is nothing in human nature that would cause us to be unhappy. It's the fact that we have the wrong institutions.

and the Conservative premise:
Man is flawed from day one, and that there are no solutions, there are only trade-offs. And whatever you do to deal with one of Man's flaws it creates another problem, but that you try to get the best trade-off you can get, and that's all you can hope for.

Plus three questions which destroy most of the arguments of the Left:
  1. Compared to what?
  2. At what cost?
  3. What hard evidence do you have?

All in a mere 4.5 minutes.