Friday, December 9, 2011

Fast and Furious Update

With Eric Holder testifying before Congress, and the release of new documents in the case, many new reports have appeared:

A Fast & Furious state of mind - Scott Johnson

Holder, Grilled on Gun Inquiry, Says He Won’t Resign - Charlie Savage

‘Furious’ twisting, Eric Holder stonewalls on - Michael A. Walsh

Sparks fly during Eric Holder 'Fast & Furious' testimony - Josh Gerstein & Tim Mak

Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - Sharyl Attkisson

Documents: ATF Used ‘Fast and Furious’ to Make Case for Gun Control - Publius

Fast and Furious - Matthew Hoy
Rep. Matthew Hoy (R-Hoystory): Shame? Shame!? Hundreds of Mexicans are dead. Border Agent Brian Terry is dead. The department that you have authority over allowed more than 2,000 guns to cross the border into the hands of violent drug cartels and you have the gall to chide elected representatives of the American people who seek to hold you to account for your lawlessness?


Your deputy submitted a letter to Congress that you withdrew only after subsequent disclosures proved it to be full of lies. You can split legal hairs about there being no “intent” to deceive Congress when that letter was originally submitted, but as time goes by that claim begins to look flimsier and flimsier.


We found out just days ago that that ATF officials sought to use the violence in Mexico and the fact that U.S.-bought guns were showing up at crime scenes in that country as a pretext to push for further restrictions on Americans’ Second Amendment rights. You, of course, were ignorant of this.


It’s been the better part of six months, or maybe 9 or 12, depending on the quality of your memory and the meaningless difference between “weeks” and “months” in your concept of time, since you knew about this operation and not a single individual has lost their job, let alone has had charges filed against them for violations of federal laws.

Hundreds are dead as a direct result of actions undertaken by your subordinates and you wish to shame Congress?

Mr. Attorney General, if you had any integrity. If you had any honor, you would fire those most responsible for this travesty and then resign yourself.

The only person in this committee room who should be feeling shame is you and what you allowed—either by design or by neglect—to happen in Operation Fast and Furious.