Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Reasonable Press

Has the press ever been "reasonable" in the past? Have they ever eased up on Republican administrations?
  • Watergate
  • Iran/Contra
  • Scooter Libby
Or how about the highly vaunted public's "right to know"?
  • Terrorist Finance Tracking Program
  • Terrorist Surveillance Program
Except for a few bravely inquisitive reporters, they suddenly seem to have decided "There's nothing to see here folks. Move along."

Why Obama’s Flacks Bullied a CBS Reporter - Keith Koffler
President Obama’s press office bullies are in high gear, a sure sign that there are legs to the story about Attorney General Eric Holder’s potential perjury before the House Judiciary Committee.

CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson is doggedly pursuing the case, reporting that Holder knew about the Fast and Furious operation well before he said he did under oath last May, when he testified to the panel he’d just learned of it “over the last few weeks.” In fact, it appears, he was told about Fast and Furious in 2010.

A Justice Department spokeswoman and White House spokesman launched at Attkisson what few people realize is a routine Obama administration tactic – attempt to quash good journalism that’s bad for Obama by intimidating reporters.

ATTKISSON: They will tell you that I’m the only reporter- as they told me- that is not reasonable. They say ‘The Washington Post’ is reasonable, the ‘LA Times’ is reasonable, ‘The New York Times’ is reasonable- I’m the only one who thinks this is a story, and they think I’m unfair and biased by pursuing it.