Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Obamacare Sales Pitch

WOLF: Barack Obama’s pants on fire - Dr. Milton R. Wolf
Recent revelations by author Janny Scott in “A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother” (Riverhead Hardcover, 2011), show that Stanley Ann Dunham, the president’s mother, was in fact well-insured and, what’s more, her health insurance company - those evil corporatists - never attempted to deny payment for her health care. Stanley Ann’s out-of-pocket expenses amounted to “several hundred dollars a month.”


Dishonoring the dead with deception, as pathetic as that is, barely scratches the surface of the Obamacare falsehoods. You can keep your current doctor: Lie. You can keep your current insurance: Lie. Hearings will be made public: Lie. The deficit will be reduced: Lie. Four hundred thousand jobs will be created immediately: Lie. There are no death panels: Lie. Taxes won’t be increased on families earning less than $250,000 a year: Lie. And all of this comes before the first Obamacare waivers exempted the White House’s best friends from the rules that you must follow.

This degree of dishonesty is not merely taking a mulligan on the back nine or fudging a couple of pounds on your driver’s license. There’s something far more sinister at work here. America is being “fundamentally transformed” by deception, and the explanation is simple: demographics. In America, self-proclaimed conservatives outnumber liberals by a ratio of 2-to-1, according to Gallup, or, more recently, almost 3-to-1, according to Rasmussen. How else is a power-hungry ruling class to pry ever-more liberty from the people, other than to prey on Americans’ higher angels of compassion with the demon of deception?