Monday, April 25, 2011

Quantitative Easing

Sarah Palin for the Fed? - New York Sun
The big question as Chairman Bernanke gets set for his first quarterly press conference is how Sarah Palin was able to figure out sooner than everyone else that the Federal Reserve’s campaign of quantitative easing wouldn’t work. Disappointment in the Fed’s policies is being reported this morning at the top of page one of the New York Times. It reports that “most Americans are not feeling the difference” from the Fed’s “experimental effort to spur a recovery by purchasing vast quantities of federal debt.” It reports that “a broad range of economists say that the disappointing results show the limits of the central bank’s ability to lift the nation from its economic malaise.”

Plus, everything you need to know about QE2:

Via Liberal Compassion: Liberal Elite Tells Those Suffering From High Food Prices To Get "A Better Job"