Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Market

Fed Policy Makers Signal Support for Abrupt End to Asset Purchases in June - Craig Torres, Scott Lanman and Steve Matthews
Federal Reserve policy makers are signaling they favor an abrupt end to $600 billion in Treasury purchases in June, jettisoning their prior strategy of gradually pulling back on intervention in bond markets.

“I don’t see a lot of gain to reverting to a tapering approach,” Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart told reporters yesterday. “I don’t think that is necessary,” Philadelphia Fed President Charles Plosser said last month.

Central bankers, who next meet March 15, are about half way through their second round of bond purchases. To bring the program to a full stop in June, they must be confident that the economy is strong enough to endure higher long-term interest rates and rising expectations of an exit from the most expansive monetary policy in Fed history, said Dan Greenhaus at Miller Tabak & Co. LLC in New York.

“If this is a self-sustaining recovery that can withstand higher interest rates, then why not get the hell out?” said Greenhaus, Miller Tabak’s chief economic strategist. “Still, I am nervous about their ability to withdraw from this policy without broader disruptions.”

The Fed announced in November that it would buy $600 billion of Treasuries through June in a bid to boost the recovery and reduce an unemployment rate lingering near a 26- year high. The program, known as QE2 for the second round of so- called quantitative easing, followed $1.7 trillion of asset purchases that ended in March 2010.

QE To Infinity: Not? - DoctoRx
Fed staff members, such as Brian Sack, the New York Fed official in charge of carrying out the bond buying, have argued the total amount, or stock, of securities the Fed has announced it will make has more impact on longer-term interest rates than the timing of those purchases. That’s a view now held by several members on the Federal Open Market Committee, including the chairman.

“We learned in the first quarter of last year, when we ended our previous program, that the markets had anticipated that adequately, and we didn’t see any major impact on interest rates,” Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee during his March 1 semiannual monetary-policy testimony. “It’s really the total amount of holdings, rather than the flow of new purchases, that affects the level of interest rates.”

Fed Vice Chairman Janet Yellen supported that perspective, saying at a monetary policy forum in New York last week that “the stock view won out over the flow view.”
The italicized paragraphs (my doing) above are key. We can hope that this signals that the parties in Washington have agreed, at least in principle, on significant deficit reduction, so that ordinary debt market mechanisms can finance the Federal deficit without the central bank adding to the money supply as it has been doing with quantitative easing. Presumably, it is a show of confidence in the economy. Of course, a year ago a similar show of confidence gave way to the summer slowdown and QE2. Will past be prologue?

Guest Post: The Coming Rout | zero hedge - Bill Quick
The Fed is currently pumping about four billion dollars per day of funny money into the markets (mostly), which has turned stocks, bonds, and commodities into helium-filled balloons.

Turn off the helium-money all at once, and watch all those balloons turn into bricks. Except for gold and silver…maybe.

I’m no longer of the opinion that we’re going to hit new highs on the Dow. I think we’re pushing on a string now, and if they pull the puppet master’s strings, look out below.

From the comments: In other words, “here, hold my beer and watch this…”