Friday, January 22, 2010

The Election of Scott Brown

Feeling the Heat, Obama Pours Kool-Aid - Jonah Goldberg
The question isn’t, “Do you regret tackling these issues?” The question is, “Do you regret how you tackled these issues?” According to Obama, there was no other way than his way. And these ungrateful, confused, angry voters just don’t understand that.
The Meaning of Brown - Charles Krauthammer
The reason both wings of American liberalism — congressional and mainstream media — were so surprised at the force of anti-Democratic sentiment is that they’d spent Obama’s first year either ignoring or disdaining the clear early signs of resistance: the tea-party movement of the spring and the town-hall meetings of the summer. With characteristic condescension, they contemptuously dismissed the protests as the mere excrescences of a redneck, retrograde, probably racist rabble.
The Context Of Middle-Class Frustration - Doctor Zero
The middle class is the great enemy of collectivist politics, under any of its names: progressivism, communism, fascism, or “liberalism.” As far back as Karl Marx, the apostles of collectivism have understood that they must subjugate the middle class before they can claim total victory.