Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Climategate: A Multifaceted Fraud

The Climategate scandal (or Climaquiddick, or the CRUtape Letters if you prefer) has demonstrated the fraudulent actions of those behind Anthropogenic Global Warming alarmism. The various aspects of wrong-doing include:

1. Although AGW proponents publicly declared that there was a settled consensus about the methods and conclusions of their work, there was in fact intense and ongoing debates about these issues even within their own close-knit community.
2. Researchers concealed raw temperature data and analytic methods from critics and perhaps illegally destroyed data when a Freedom of Information Act request was granted.
3. Researchers colluded to exclude AGW critics from publishing in scholarly journals and then claimed that the critics had no merit because they lacked significant published work.
4. Researchers were unable to replicate earlier results from computer program models when trying to demonstrate it on the same temperature data at a later date. They eventually gave up and quietly let the earlier results stand.
5. Researchers made arbitrary "adjustments" to temperature data in order to reach predetermined results.
Another interesting point is that the individuals implicated by the emails are not minor participants operating in unimportant locations. On the contrary, these scientists represent the mainstream of the AGW scientific establishment.
Additional Climategate Resources: