1. Although AGW proponents publicly declared that there was a settled consensus about the methods and conclusions of their work, there was in fact intense and ongoing debates about these issues even within their own close-knit community.
- Scientists Behaving Badly - Steven F. Hayward
3. Researchers colluded to exclude AGW critics from publishing in scholarly journals and then claimed that the critics had no merit because they lacked significant published work.
- The Scientific Tragedy of Climategate - Ronald Bailey
- Three Things You Absolutely Must Know About Climategate - Iain Murray
- University of East Anglia emails: the most contentious quotes - The Telegraph
- Climategate: the Fix is In - Robert Tracinski
- Climategate Computer Codes are the Real Story - Charlie Martin
- Climategate: The Smoking Code - Robert Greiner
- The Smoking Code, part 2 - Robert Greiner
- Understanding Climategate's Hidden Decline - Marc Sheppard
- ClimateGate: Was Data Faked? - Megan McArdle
- The Smoking Gun At Darwin Zero - Willis Eschenbach
- Climategate goes SERIAL: now the Russians confirm ... - James Delingpole
- Climategate: Faster and Faster, the Dominos Fall - Charlie Martin
- Climategate: Something’s Rotten in Denmark ... - Joseph D’Aleo
- Climategate: NOAA and NASA Complicit in Data Manipulation - Joseph D'Aleo
- Surface Temperature Records: Policy Driven Deception? - Joseph D'Aleo & Anthony Watts
- Strange case of moving weather posts and a scientist under siege - Fred Pearce
- Climategate Update 1: The China Syndrome - Ronald Bailey
Additional Climategate Resources:
- http://www.climate-gate.org/
- http://climateaudit.org/
- http://www.climatedepot.com/
- http://wattsupwiththat.com/climategate/
- Charlie Martin: fast-facts-about-climategate
- Climategate: How To Follow the Money - Charlie Martin
- Pajamas Media document database
- The Timeline, “ClimateGate: 30 years in the making” - Joanne Nova
- It's Not Apostasy - John Hinderaker